Fabulous bouquet with enticing scents of fruit, flowers, and autolysis. White peach, apple, brioche, and croissant, a soft and gentle fruit-spice quality, and a harmonious, youthful opening to the bouquet. Delicious on the palate—as I knew it would be—with fruit flavours that reflect the nose, plus a spiced pear-skin note, then a deep-seated leesy quality and autolysis reflecting primary development, with plenty yet to be revealed. The mousse is bold and fine, saline and crisp, the acidity carries flavour, enlivens the palate, and adds to the finish. A lovely wine that will continue to develop and reward from the day of purchase through 2030+.
Points: 95
RRP: $55.00
Distributor: Maison Vauron
Phone: (09) 529 0157